Introduction to the home

Belle River is located in Burton-on-Trent close to the town centre and there is a skatepark nearby. It is a three-bed home providing a therapeutic environment for our young people to grow. The heart of the home is a beautiful open plan kitchen diner perfect for baking and homemade buffet dinners. There is an ample garden with a beautiful tree supplying us with apples in autumn.

Feedback from the children

Child A came to live at Belle River in 2020, she presented with difficulties around keeping herself safe and attachment difficulties. She had experienced a number of previous placements that had impacted on her being able to trust adults and this led to missing episodes and aggression towards others. The team at Belle River have worked with her to offer a nurturing placement, that has been about supporting her when she is frustrated and to allow her to talk and be supported on how we can try and resolve issues. We have completed work around confidence and self worth which has made a difference in her appearance and hygiene. She has done well during her time with us so far, she has reduced missing episodes significantly and also has not had any aggressive episodes.

Child B came to live at Belle River in 2020 after she struggled with living in a foster family environment and there were some concerns around her managing her safety online and was going missing frequently. This was a scary time for her as she had never been in a residential placement and was moving out of the area. The team at Belle River have supported her to spend time with adults and be able to discuss what her worries are. She has settled in well and has 100% school attendance. The plan for her was originally short term at Belle River but due to her progress she will now be staying at the home for longer.

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